Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Have Entered the Blogging World...

I decided to title our Blog, "Love is Spoken Here". It is sort of a motto in our home. Those who love each other should always use kind words filled with love. I am a Wing, so am inheritly sarcastic, so it is something that I am working on!

Ron and I want our home to be nothing but love and fun!

I have been thinking a while about starting a Blog, and last Sunday made up my mind.

I work with the Young Women of our church and I taught a lesson about keeping records and journal writing. They say that the teacher learns more than the students and I believe that is what happened to me!

I used to keep a fairly accurate journal but the last year and a half I have barely written a word. I realized that the happiest and most important time of my life I NEVER put on paper - meet, falling in love, and marrying the love of my life. Well never again! I hope to use this Blog to keep a record of my family, share my thoughts with my friends and keep in touch with my family that is sooooo far away from me.

Well.... here goes!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Julia. Tim and I keep a "I appreciate" journal. Each day one of us writes something that we appreciate about each other. It is amazing and after 15 years together it is a good reminder that all of the little things do matter. Even when we are away from each other we text, e-mail or facebook the "I appreciate..."
