Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Sunday Drive

I woke up from a nap this afternoon SO GRUMPY! I was more tired than when I fell asleep, I was stiff from sleeping on the couch, and it was so hot!

My sweet Ron got me a snack and set me up with some DVDs to watch and left me alone and drove around the block.

When he got back he asked me to come for a drive with him.

Boy was I grouchy! Poor man.

But as we drove and talked, I enjoyed sunshine, country roads, a nice flash rain storm and a RAINBOW!

I decided to adopt a better attitude and stop being so darn grouchy! Lol

(I have a picture of the rainbow but I have no idea how to add the pic! Darn!)

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Never mind I guess it worked!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

One Week Four Days

So one week four days to go until my "estimated date of delivery". So as they say, any day now. I am enjoying my time off work and to relax before our daughter is born. However, I am so excited for her to be born! I know that first time babies tend to come late, but I hope this one doesn't realize that....