Saturday, May 15, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I have officially discovered something today. I love new groceries! It is similar to laundry. I hate the actually ACT of grocery shopping but having all that fresh yummy food ready for the pickin'! It's like an all you can eat buffet in your own fridge...

I hate grocery shopping but I'll eat it any day of the week!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I have been asked to post a little bit of what Ron is up to in Inuvik. I highly recommend looking Inuvik up on Google Maps. I was shocked to find out how far away he truly was! I tried to post a link up from Google Maps but I am a bit technologically illiterate as my husband would atest to.
This is his first rotation with Kenn Borek in Inuvik. Ron is up there living in crew housing, studying and practice flying with the his new airplane, with a training captain.
He has his "ride" or flight test as I call it on Monday! He has already been told how great he is doing, but I already knew that!
I am very much looking forward to having LOTS of time to spend with him when he comes home!
Today in church I got released from my work with the Young Women. I was very sad. I loved working with those girls. They made me feel young and cool! Lately I have been feeling very UNcool! hahahaha...
Today was also Mothers Day. It was not depressing in any way, but it was kinda sad. Mothers Day is a day you want to give your mom and grandmother a big hug and have a big dinner with your family. Today is PJ's and old episodes of Little House on the Prairie for me. Not bad, but I am not with the ones I love...
Happy Mothers Day!

I Have Entered the Blogging World...

I decided to title our Blog, "Love is Spoken Here". It is sort of a motto in our home. Those who love each other should always use kind words filled with love. I am a Wing, so am inheritly sarcastic, so it is something that I am working on!

Ron and I want our home to be nothing but love and fun!

I have been thinking a while about starting a Blog, and last Sunday made up my mind.

I work with the Young Women of our church and I taught a lesson about keeping records and journal writing. They say that the teacher learns more than the students and I believe that is what happened to me!

I used to keep a fairly accurate journal but the last year and a half I have barely written a word. I realized that the happiest and most important time of my life I NEVER put on paper - meet, falling in love, and marrying the love of my life. Well never again! I hope to use this Blog to keep a record of my family, share my thoughts with my friends and keep in touch with my family that is sooooo far away from me.

Well.... here goes!